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Eye Protection Safety for Sun and Fireworks

Family having cookout joy of sight

Now that it’s summer, you’re probably spending most of your days outside enjoying the weather. July 4th is no exception. 

The holiday is spent with family and friends having picnics or barbeques, playing games outside, or even taking a swim at the pool. The Independence Day fun doesn’t stop there. Ending the night with fireworks is a must.

Because you’re spending so much of the day outside, it’s important to remember to take safety precautions for your eyes. Sunshine and fireworks make July 4th special, but they’re also why your eyes need some extra protection throughout the day. The EyeCare Associates team in Alabama wants to help you understand what some of the risks are and give you tips on how to protect your eyes.

Protect Your Eyes All Day

Independence Day is a holiday you can enjoy from morning to night. Barbeques, pools, and fairs are just part of the fun. Because you’re out in the sun all day, and then enjoying fireworks at night, we want you to take extra care of your eyes.

Eye Protection from the Sun

Being in the sun for extended periods of time, and frequently, can cause cataracts, macular degeneration, and even corneal sunburn.

Use Sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses is the most important way to protect your eyes from the sun. Finding the right sunglasses can be stressful and overwhelming because of all of the options. We recommend that you opt for sunglasses that provide complete protection against UVA and UVB rays and are certified by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute). Look through our sunglasses shop at EyeCare Associates so you can find a pair of sunglasses to use this summer!

Take Advantage of the Shade

If there's no need, try not to expose yourself to direct sunlight. Instead, seek out a pleasant shady spot to spend your time, particularly if don’t have any way to block out sunlight. Too much exposure to direct sunlight can harm both your eyes and skin.

If your plans for the 4th of July involve spending the entire day outdoors, you should stay in shaded areas where you can unwind and take breaks. By doing so, you'll avoid exhaustion and better your eye protection safety.

Wear a Hat

Hats are more than just a fashion statement, they’re there to protect you from the sun. Wearing a hat during sunny days is one of the best ways to protect your eyes from direct sunlight. If you can pair your hat with sunglasses, then you’re doing the best you can to protect your eyes from UV rays. We know that’s not always possible, so at least wearing one or the other is better than nothing at all.

Fireworks Eye and Face Protection Safety

Fireworks are synonymous with the 4th of July. Enjoying fireworks is something you can only do a few times a year, so we know how important it might be to see fireworks this Independence Day.

With all that being said, it is important to be careful around fireworks because they can be a potential eye hazard. They are responsible for many injuries, and according to a report, 14% of fireworks injuries were eye injuries. Mishandling of fireworks can lead to chemical and thermal burns, rupture of the globe of your eye, corneal abrasions, and retinal detachment.

If you do get injured, seek medical attention right away.

Go See Professional Fireworks

You should be able to see fireworks while minimizing risks to yourself and others. Conclude your evening on a high note by joining friends and family at a professional fireworks display at a park or fair. Instead of setting off fireworks at home, it is safer for you to experience the thrill of professional fireworks at a park or fair. These events are organized by experts, and they ensure a safer and more exhilarating display than what you could achieve on your own.

Stand Clear of Fireworks

One of the best parts of a professional fireworks display is that there are several safety precautions taken. Most, if not all, displays should have certain areas blocked off to keep viewers safe. The blocked-off areas are the ones near the fireworks launch zone. You should not go near these areas at all and follow all rules given by the park or fair. Keep your family together to avoid any injuries or accidents.

Wear Eye Safety Gear

While we don’t recommend setting off fireworks yourself, we do want to give some guidance in case you do. It’s critical that you wear safety glasses, goggles, or face shields. You’ll need to shield your eyes from debris, sparks, or chemical irritants. Make sure to have any other necessary protective equipment nearby. We still recommend that you go to a professional fireworks display instead.

Friends holding fireworks sparklers

Keep Your Eyes Safe this July 4th

Now that you know the importance of eye protection safety, we hope you take our guidance to heart and enjoy your 4th of July this year!